During my master's degree in coursework, I created wayfinding for my university.

PJATK - Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology.
The university focuses on such majors as computer science, graphic design, architecture, information management and Japanese culture. Looking at the majors the university presents, I chose a minimalist, more technical wayfinding style. Also, I suggested that wayfinding must be understandable and simple for everyone.
Personalized icons were created for this project. I chose the Icon/Text arrangement, because the university has more "computer" orientations and the slash is supposed to refer to programming. The icons themselves are maturely geometrized, which also emphasizes the technical direction.

Wayfinding is supposed to be very legible, as it helps people find their way around quickly. That's why I chose a very simple, sans-serif font, "Century Gothic," which can be easily read in a few seconds.

Below you can see visuals of wayfinding in the university space.
Wayfinding PJATK


Wayfinding PJATK
